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Answer The Following Questions Carefully To Reveal Insights Into Your Brains Chemical Makeup


The Braverman Test: Unlocking Your Neurotransmitter Dominance

Answer the following questions carefully to reveal insights into your brain's chemical makeup:

Group 1:

1. I am often irritable when I am hungry. (T / F)

2. I tend to crave sweet foods. (T / F)

3. I have difficulty concentrating and feel mentally foggy. (T / F)

4. I am easily motivated by rewards. (T / F)

Number of TRUE responses: ______

Group 2:

1. I am often calm and collected. (T / F)

2. I prefer salty foods. (T / F)

3. I have sharp focus and high mental clarity. (T / F)

4. I am driven by intrinsic goals. (T / F)

Number of TRUE responses: ______

Group 3:

1. I am energetic and outgoing. (T / F)

2. I crave spicy foods. (T / F)

3. I have difficulty sitting still and am always on the go. (T / F)

4. I am a high risk-taker. (T / F)

Number of marks: ______

